Regenerative Business with Sam Garcia

How to Enchant Your Audience & Put Them Under Your Spell

Episode Summary

Sam discusses the magic of enchantment: how you can enchant your customers into deep transformation by making them fall under your spell and become enchanted by your business & products.

Episode Notes

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Get 2 Hours to Launch: the project plan template for a magical launch without the burnout:


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Hello again!

Are you having a wonderful August so far? Other than starting a podcast, we’re keeping it easy over here in preparation for a pretty jam-packed fall with preparing for some big online launches for three of our clients.

It also just feels quiet on Maui with all of the travel restrictions. Maui’s main industry is tourism with only around 150,000 year-round residents versus over 3 MILLION tourists visiting each year.

I kind of feel spoiled right now with how quiet the island is. Where beaches are usually packed all day every day, it’s been so much more mellow. And bumper to bumper traffic at certain times of day have transformed into sleepy beach town vibes.

But… that’s not what we’re talking about today.

We’re talking about Enchantment! and how to use it in your magical business. How you can actually enchant your audience into falling hard for you.

So let’s take a step back for a second… because we hear this word a lot but often don’t stop to think about what it means. To enchant someone is to give them a feeling of delight, happiness or excitement… so powerful it feels like it’s caused by magic. You may think of being enchanted as being captivated or charmed... but it can also be used to describe something bewitched, spellbound, or hypnotized.

The word “enchant” comes from the Latin root word "cantare," meaning to sing. To sing, to repeat, to chant… like a mantra. Or a spell. In Middle English, it was used literally to mean that someone had been put under a spell. In episode 3 of the podcast, I talked about the power the word holds in esoteric traditions (make sure to listen to that if you haven’t, I’ll link it in the show notes) and that’s the same thing we’re seeing here. The power your word has to manifest your heart. 

When you enchant someone, you are charming them with the strength and potency of a magical spell. It’s moving past more ordinary sensations of wanting something, like we experience on a daily basis, into a state of being totally captivated and entranced by something. 

For example… I regularly feel enchanted by my cat. She’s so annoying and meows nonstop when her food bowl is empty or she wants to go outside. But she does whatever strange movement & energetic shift that enchants me and I feel like I’m put under her spell. If you’re a cat person and own a cat you know what I’m talking about. When they want love or attention or pets, you have no choice but to give them what they want. It’s like a magnetic force drawing you in.

So when you enchant someone, you’re moving past the idea that they like, or even love, who you are and what you’re doing, and into the idea that they desperately want and need who you are and what you’re doing.

It makes you irresistible. 

And this is what you want from your audience, right? Especially when your program or product is so out-of-this-world and you know it will change the world. You want customers who are going to be so totally captivated by what you’re selling that they have no choice but to say “hell yeah!” and jump on board.

Having an enchanting business means your business can not only capture your ideal audience’s attention and hold it…. But it actually draws those customers in like a magnet.

And your product or service is so dazzling that your customers can’t help but fall for you.

So today, we’re talking about how you can be enchanting as a business owner and how you can enchant your customers.

Every aspect of your business is part of your enchantment. The spell you’re using to bewitch your audience into becoming your customers and falling in love with your. From the life-changing product or service you’re providing. To your copywriting, social media posts, even the colors you use and images you use on social media. These are the chants, the spells you captivate your audience with.

So treat your business like a powerful magical force. Because it is one! Your business has its own powerful energy, and as the business owner you can change that energy to be more high-vibe and pull money and clients in. So meditate on how to make your product the most perfect thing your audience needs right now. Give offerings to your business. Surround yourself with magical items that make you feel in touch with your business goals.

Citrine is an excellent crystal for business and power. If you’re focused on pulling in money right now, keep green aventurine crystals by your workspace and drink ginger tea. If you want to communicate with your audience better, try lapis lazuli crystals. Allspice is great for communication, compassion, and wisdom, all qualities that will make your audience love you.  

If you give tribute to gods or goddesses as part of your spiritual practice, now is a great time to spend time getting to know which of them can help you raise your vibration to hit your business goals, and give offerings of gratitude and appreciation for your business success.

Another good trick for bringing enchanting energy to your business is to figure out what colors make you feel powerful. For a lot of people red is a power color, and you might find that especially if you work with attraction, seduction, or Venus in your business. Or if your business is about self-care and mental health, you might resonate with the bright and cheeriness of yellow, like the sun & the solar plexus chakra. If you want to calm your audience, blue might be your color. Figure out which color makes you feel aligned with your business goals this month. And then wear it!! 

This is you rhyming with the universe. You’re communicating archetypally & subconsciously & amplifying your intentions through the actions you take in the real world. You’re rhyming your words, actions, energy AND using powerful magical items to amplify your energy and fully align you with your goals.

When I sit with the word enchanting and feel it in my body… Snow White falls into my head. You can't deny that Disney princesses are enchanting, whether or not you think that they're horrible patriarchal constructs. Snow White brings her magic to everything. Everything she does is casting a spell - note the small woodland animals that follow her around, completely enchanted by her, willing to do whatever she wants. Her presence is bewitching.

To be enchanting involves believing in your bones your power as a business owner, the efficacy of your program, the essence of your future self. It's not just about doing enchantments, it's about embodying enchanting with every part of you. It’s about meditating on your biz every morning AND putting that insight into practice. Feeling that power and moving into that space.

So let’s talk about what else you should be doing to make your business enchant and resonate with your audience.

Don’t be afraid to get SUPER specific with what your business and products are about and who they’re for. A lot of business owners try to keep their language and offerings vague because they think it will appeal to more people and they’re worried about being too “niche”. But all that does is make the people who would otherwise really resonate with your business feel like it doesn’t apply to them. Allow yourself to let go of anyone who isn’t your ideal customer (trust me, there are still going to be tons of people interested in your business and products!). By letting your ideal customers know that you “get it” and you have exactly what they need, they’ll start falling in love with you.

We’re honestly looking for our 1 in a million clients and customers. I like to call them my unicorns. Because math doesn’t fucking lie. Think about 1 in a million. When I tell you that you’re trying to enchant your 1-in-a-million person. You’re most likely going to think that you’re going to go broke. Have to shut down your business. And go back to the 9 to 5.

But… as I’m recording this there are 7.8 Billion on our planet. And guess how many 1 in a millions are in 7.8 Billion. 7800 people. Not too shabby of a customer base, right?

And even if you’re working to enchant your 1 in a million magic unicorn client, there are other people that will also be captivated by your work that don’t fit the bill, so it’s actually more than 7800 people. But anyways… that’s just a fun little math aside.

Communicating with the world is part of the enchanting. You’re capturing their attention by being charming and giving them something of high value, something they really want. Your words, your branding, your whatever, is infused by your intentional energy & is selected carefully to pull together a spell.

But there’s another key to enchanting your audience. A more subtle one. But it’s key.

To make your spell as powerful as possible — to really make your audience fall in love with you and grow your business — you have to be enchanted by them as much as they are by you.

I think of Mists of Avalon where the priestess Nimue is put on the task of seducing Merlin and getting him to fall in love with her. And for the most potent spell that means that SHE also has to fall in love with him. I won’t give away the ending because it’s an epic book if you haven’t read it. 

To have the most deeply enchanting spell... you have to be both enchanted and enchanting. The energy we put into us is reflected back. This is definitely something I’ve seen in my time working with magical online businesses. The more you love up on your audience the more they love you. In the process of trying to enchant them, YOU need to be totally enchanted by them too! You have to love every bit of what they bring to the table.

This can look like… thinking about your 1 in a million unicorn customer all the time. THinking about what they want and need and desire & give it to them. Think about what problems and pains they have & figure out ways to solve them or ways to communicate with them that would give them a massive transformation whether or not they work with you.

It can look like asking for testimonials to see what you’re doing great and what you can improve on. And then actually improving on those things. Using constructive feedback as a way to strengthen your online programs.

It can also look like social listening, which means actively listening to what’s going on with your audience not just in relation to your business but in relation to everything going on in their lives. Whether you have a monthly program or a free Facebook group, or even just your following on Instagram or Twitter, what is your audience talking about? Listening to the key words and topics they’re discussing is great information to have. Because that’s all going to help you enchant them through your future communication and copywriting. Are you seeing a specific word pop up again and again from your audience? Maybe everyone is talking about money or relationships right now. Now you know what to address when you write ad copy for your next launch. You know what topics people are going to engage with the most when you post about it on Instagram.

So someone who once looked at your online program and said, “oh, this looks cool”... Is now seeing you use the exact words they need to hear and addressing the most pressing situation in their own lives. That “oh cool,” becomes “OMG I am ALL IN!!” or “OMG you’re reading my mind.”

But you can see how in this process, you end up falling just as hard for your audience and customers as they do for you. Because now you’re not just talking to them about your business and services. Now you’re having an active conversation with them — and it’s a conversation they care about just as much as you do!

In marketing, we often talk about the need to transform your customer. They’re not just buying a thing when they buy your product or service, they’re buying a change in their lives. They’re moving from a “before” state they don’t want to an “after” state they do want.

And when we look at marketing for magical businesses, the transforming into “after” states is a really powerful thing. It means helping someone become more in touch with themselves and making the world a better place.

You’re not just selling your product… you’re enchanting people to do the work. To believe in themselves. To believe in the process. You’re enchanting people to transform their lives, their businesses, their relationships, and themselves for the better. 

And remember… enchantment doesn’t stop with the sale. This is a ritual you don’t want to end, because the longer the spell lasts, the stronger it is. Enchantment continues and deepens the longer people work with you. The more time your customers spend loving your product, the more totally obsessed they’ll be with your business and the more likely they’ll keep coming back for more. The more enchanting you are, the more success you’ll create for yourself and your clients.

You’re transforming your customers into someone they want to be. And at the same time, YOU are transforming with your business. Because the more time you spend trying to focus and center the energy of your business through taking action and interacting with magical items... the more you will transform into the powerful entrepreneur you want to be! You’re falling under your own spell. And your business is stronger because of it.

So I have an invitation for you. The next time you find yourself thinking about selling your product or service to your audience... think of it as you enchanting them into a magically-charged transformation.

What if this was your responsibility as a magical business owner: to enchant your customers into deep transformation? Everything in your business, from the products and services themselves to the way you communicate about them, should be in response to the question of how can you spellbind your audience by giving them exactly what they want?

We’ve given you some tools and tips in this podcast about how to do that. And I can’t wait to see the magic you create.

Don’t forget to follow me on instagram @thedirtyalchemy and comment letting me know what you think of the podcast!

And don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss out when a new episode comes out, and please rate & review if you’re loving this conversation - it really helps.

Until next time, happy magical marketing & have a very enchanting day.


Music: Gaena by Blue Dot Sessions is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial License.