Regenerative Business with Sam Garcia

Let’s celebrate! Behind The Scenes & your questions answered

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I wanted to do something a little special for our 11th episode of Business as a Magical Practice. I put my feelers out on what would be a fun turn from our standard teachings & interviews and this is what you requested. Some behind the scenes and a Q&A session!

#BTS My spiritual practices

I have a mercury dominant chart so my practices change a lot. Surprise surprise.

I actually ran my kundalini numerology once & it told me my biggest spiritual practice would be doing a single practice for 1000 days in a row. But that hasn’t happened yet & I haven’t even attempted that challenge yet. 

So… I’ll keep you posted.

And really I think there’s such a stigma in the spiritual space that things need to be perfect to be effective.

And I know from experience & from seeing the backend of some very successful online businesses, that that does not need to be true for you if you don’t want it to be.

People want real. They want relatable.

And a lot of, if not most of, business and marketing is just building relationships and forming connections.

So back to my spiritual practices.

Different phases of my life required different things. 

My daily practice this month (ha) has been really basic and low key because we’ve been pretty swamped with client work. 

1. Gratitude List

But it’s essentially been filling half a page with gratitudes - free writing morning pages style:

I’m grateful of eddy, I'm grateful for Olly, for my home, for my team, for living on Maui…

Until I hit half a page

And I’m trying to really really feel the gratitude in my heart and in my body

2. Desire List

And then in the second half of the page I’m writing out my desires - feeling into the excitement of simply wanting those things:

I desire to own a home, for it to rain, to visit my family in Michigan, to make $X this month, to feel fully of energy all day long, to write a killer podcast script, …

3. Speaking Desired End Result

After that I’ve written a little 1-2 minute script that encapsulates the energy of the goal I’m currently working on & I read it.

I probably don’t need a script but when it’s early in the morning or I’m in a mood, being able to read something just makes it doable & makes it so I can shift my energy quick.

Which is a real blessing on challenging days or weeks.

So for example. (with goal in mind)

Omg I did it. It worked. I can’t believe it worked but it did! It was easier than I thought it would be. It happened quicker than I thought it would be. I didn’t know how this would happen but it did…. And on and on for 1-2 minutes.

4. Visualizing Desired End Result

And THEN I’m feeling really good so I sit & think about and visualize my desired end result. The goal is done. I did it. I imagine myself doing the things I’d do with that desired end result.

So - look at the spreadsheet I’ve been tracking numbers on & see the number hit - get up and freak out and tell my husband who’s in the other room.

Text my best friend What the actual fuck?!

And I also identify all the feelings I’m feeling in my body now that I achieved my desired end result.

For me it’s been - overjoyed, in awe, grateful, proud, and powerful

So all of that takes less than 10 minutes. Super simple & right now I’m really loving having something I can do every day that makes me feel good.

And I won’t go into the specifics of results but this pairing of writing with the emotions with the visualization and speaking it...

Has been insanely effective in terms of what’s happening in my physical reality.

I also often do EFT or emotional freedom technique or tapping. I generally just pull up a video from Gala Darling on youtube & follow along.

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini yoga is often a regular in my practice. Not this month, but I’m actually thinking I need to pull some kriya back into my day to day bc it just makes me feel so good.

If you’ve never done kundalini yoga it’s definitely weird as fuck, but it’s way more on the breathwork side than any sort of yoga you’re familiar with.

In terms of daily stuff I love ego eradicator & their version of cat/cow & left nostril breathing.

Those are super quick practices.

I’ve done quite a few 40 day kriyas of 11 minute practices that made me feel really sparkly but not currently.

Those ones take a few days in a row of practice to get into but man they feel good.

What I’m loving now

Since this is my first time doing this & I could talk about things I love for… hours. I’m just going to choose 3 things that I’ve loved forever.

Toggl. - 

it’s how I track time. It’s how I make my team track time. It’s free. & even if you don’t work for clients & you’re not in a service-based industry I really really really recommend you start tracking all your time now.

Knowing how you’re spending your work time & learning what’s most effective in your business is so important to transitioning your business as a job for you into an actual business where you can delegate to a team & where you can make really informed decisions.

Thredup - 

so coming from an environmental background I’ve held a lot of guilt around buying things. About creating more waste on the planet. Even though I’ve really loved clothes and fashion and the fact that as women we can adorn ourselves & that can be apart of our self care & I really believe that it can assist in collapsing time and stepping into a future version of yourself.

So Thredup is great because it’s essentially a virtual thrift store. They have so many things, even designer clothing, and you’re buying used so at least you aren’t adding to the evil behemoth that is the fashion industry.

Blue blocker glasses -

If you spend long hours on your computer these are great. I’m sure you can dig into all of the science but I just know that I’m less frazzled at the end of an 8 hours on the computer day when I wear them.

I got mine off of Amazon for $15. THey’re really cute. They’re called “”


Question 1: Do you have favorite tools to break through the feeling of being tired/unfocused and generally procrastinating? 

Coffee? Haha

There’s a technique called the Pomodoro technique that’s pretty cool. There’s a whole background story about a guy in Italy & a tomato shaped kitchen timer, but you essentially set a timer for 25 minutes. Work on ONE THING with zero multi tasking for those 25 minutes. And when the timer goes off you take a 5 minute break.

Then you repeat that 3 times & then do a longer 15 minute break.

I don’t do this often but I find that when I practice it I feel so much more rested at then end of a work day. Those 5 minute breaks seriously help. And you get a lot done because you aren’t multi tasking.

Because who can’t do focused work for 25 minutes? You also get to race the clock which I find pretty motivating.

When I do this I actually do 45 minute on & 10 minute off bc I find that it usually takes more like 45 minutes for me to finish a project, and getting cut off at 25 minutes makes me frustrated.

Question 2: Do you have a favorite mantra or meditation or exercise that gets you through those days? 

I take a break. I go outside or lay horizontal for 10 minutes. It usually helps. Or just go for a walk or do 3 minutes of breath of fire or ego eradicator.

Sometimes you just need to get your eyes off the computer.

Question 3: What’s your favorite thing about being an entrepreneur?

I get to do it all my way. I get to make the rules. And I’m getting better and better at that!

Another aspect is I get to build a team. It was such a big desire of mine to give someone work. To create a job for someone out of thin air. I think a lot of people work crap jobs for crap people & I just love that I can give what I think is really cool work to people who are into it. 

That’s all for today, folks!

Thanks for being with me for 11 whole episodes. I hope you had fun with me today - I know I did!


Music: Gaena by Blue Dot Sessions is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial License.