Regenerative Business with Sam Garcia

How to Integrate Your Business's Shadow for Overflowing Wealth with Dr. Carolyn Elliott

Episode Summary

On this week’s episode, Sam is joined by Dr. Carolyn Elliott, author of the bestselling book Existential Kink and co-founder of WEALTH: the virtual alchemical community with her husband Taia Kepher. Carolyn shares why it’s so important to do the hard stuff first, tips for working with your spouse, tapping into the astral plane for creativity, and a whole lot more!

Episode Notes


Instagram: @thedirtyalchemy





When I first met Carolyn, she was running a multiple-6 figure business with just herself and a part-time assistant. Without a fancy website or a perfect social media presence, she created a brand that is totally unique, true to her higher purpose, and completely transformative to those of us who have been lucky enough to be introduced to her work (myself included!).

Since then, she's achieved the overflowing abundance of a 7-figure business, a loving husband and family, and a wealth of beauty and success in her life.

Today, Carolyn is sharing about her journey from barely scraping by to having overflow, including her tips for entrepreneurs who are just starting out (and trust me — some of them are surprising!). 


“When I’m writing and trying to convey ideas, I need to go to where I’ve already been astrally.” — Carolyn Elliott


Things we learned this episode:

How to work with your spouse without wanting to kill each other. (6:30)

Carolyn co-founded WEALTH: the virtual alchemical community with her husband Taia Kepher. In running this community together, they don’t always agree on everything. But they’ve found that the best way to prevent and de-escalate conflicts is to embrace any uncomfortable dynamics in ways that are silly and playful, confronting the energy head-on so that it can be released. In true shadow work fashion, they don’t run away from the challenges, they roll with them!


Going from not having enough to having an overflow. (10:00)

Carolyn discusses her transition from just scraping by with her business to her current state of abundant money, love, and success — and the unexpected shadow side of overflow.

Carolyn also shares about her relationship with the planet Jupiter and how that helped her get to this point. To learn more about Planetary Magic, listen to episode 9 here.


Why you should do the hard stuff in your business before you get a fancy website . (14:15)

When I first started working with Carolyn, she was pulling in multiple 6 figures with one assistant and not spending much time on her website branding and styling. Instead, she was putting way more attention on the hard stuff: impactful coaching, powerful writing, and making sales. She put her energy into the things that mattered the most to her, and it allowed her business to flourish.


How to gain knowledge about your next business moves from your Higher Self. (18:00)

When you’re thinking through your next business decisions, do you tend to hop online or talk it out with someone else? Carolyn shares her process for gaining potent insights by taking time to sit back and meditate internally on what she wants to accomplish with her teaching. And how feeling into her emotions has helped her convey the ideas and images she wants to write about.


How holding paradoxes activates a new level of awareness and creativity. (21:00)

When you hold two seemingly opposite ideas at the same time, you activate a new level of awareness, something Carl Jung called the Transcendent Function. It allows you to see from a different dimension and reconcile things at that other dimension. So dwelling with paradox is a great foundation for creativity, because there are so many creative ways to express paradoxes.


How to deal with the days you feel unhappy and unmotivated with work. (32:00)

Most people don’t talk openly about the really challenging days of running a business. But for many business owners, there are days when getting out of bed and doing what needs to be done is really hard. On days like that, Carolyn motivates herself by reminding herself of the Bodhisattva Vow she took during a particularly dark period of her life. This vow helps to remind her that the work she does is for others, not herself.

The Bodhisattva Vow goes like this:

“Beings are numberless. I vow to save them.

Delusions are inexhaustible. I vow to end them.

Dharma gates are boundless. I vow to enter them.

Buddha's way is unsurpassable. I vow to become it.”


Advice for taking your business to the 7-figure level. (40:00)

What are qualities you have that you’re deeply ashamed of? That’s the unexpected first question from Carolyn about how we can all take our business to the next level. Shamelessly rejoicing in all parts of who we are can help us develop a “Page Turner” persona version for ourselves that we can consciously allow to be as wildly successful as we’ve always secretly dreamed. Liberating this energy can give you the boost to start and run a business!


Music: Gaena by Blue Dot Sessions is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial License.


More from Carolyn:

Carolyn's website: 

Carloyn's Facebook:

Carolyn's Instagram: @carolynelliott_

Order Carolyn's bestselling book Existential Kink

Order Carolyn's cult favorite book Awaken Your Genius

Join the WEALTH community


Resources mentioned:

Listen to episode 9 of Business as a Magical Practice on Planetary Magic here.

Learn more about your magical name gematria here.

Learn more about Carl Jung's Transcendent Function here.

Learn more about the Bodhisattva Vow here.